Friday, January 30, 2009

Greetings all and Happy New Year! A month late, but heartfelt none the less.

It has been an interesting Janurary on so many levels. Work has been surprisingly smooth, thanks to some great hires in the offseason and falling food prices due to slacking demand from the restaurant industry.
I hope things pick up a bit in the economy as many of my colleagues and friends in the business are suffering considerably.

This past week I received news of the passing of an old girlfriend to cancer. It hit me pretty hard. She and I were together for almost 5 years. Years that shaped me like no others. We parted rather bitterly, things were said that could never be taken back. But as time passed, I found myself thinking of the good times and how she opened my eyes to so much of the world and the possibilities that life had to offer. I wish I could have thanked her, wish I would have had the courage to call or write her and tell her that she made a difference in my life. It is now too late. I think she may have known (probably never gave it much thought though) that this kid from the projects has made good, due in no small part to her towering presence in my life. Her family gave so much to me, opportunities, encouragement, and most of all, love. I am forever in her debt and hope that she knows that she will be missed.

Rest in peace Sharon.