Thursday, October 30, 2008

Can you believe it? My beloved Phillies are 2008 World Champions of baseball! I have to say, the 3 inning game was just the perfect length and really ratcheted up the intensity of the moment. My family watched with me, and they, not being from Philly and knowing the full extent of the pain and suffering I've had to endure as a Phillies, Eagles, Sixers, and Flyers fan, found great entertainment in my hypergeekout during the game. My heart was literally racing at the top of the 9th inning and when Tampa got a runner on first and then he stole second, the one run lead looked pretty nebulous. Brad Lidge has a way, in spite of the perfection of his 2008 season, of making things more interesting than necessary. I am so relieved that the curse of Billy Penn has been laid to rest and now the Eagles have no more excuses. It's a good day to be me. GO PHILS!


Sunday, October 19, 2008

October 2008 and I am so enjoying the Autumn of my 46th year on planet earth. I haven't had much to write about recently but I need to keep my blog somewhat active or I'll lose it.

Work has been challenging this year to say the least. I've had more "Human Resource" issues in the last 3 months than I've had in the 5 years I've been employed with this company. This past summer has seen some of my key personnel move on to different jobs (and I am happy for them) and has forced me to bring on and train new people. It's amazing how someone can interview so well and so not deliver on expectations. Is it my "training" that leaves them ill prepared to execute their jobs? I think I am pretty clear on the expectations prior to hiring. I need "Chefs" not "cooks. I also am amazed at how the experience of culinary school makes some believe that they are qualified and deserving of respect that has historically needed to be earned in this career field. The arrogance of youth never ceases to surprise me. In hindsight, I was as guilty of the crime of arrogance as any. I am glad that humbleness came to me eventually and allowed me to succeed and thrive in my chosen vocation.

On the poker front, I have voluntarily banned my self from Pokerstars for 30 days. I was running so terribly bad (horrendously bad) that in order to save my bankroll from sure evaporation, I had to stop myself from playing untill I figure out where the leak in my game was. Still working on that........update to follow.

I have not been fishing since my trip to Colorado over the summer (which was AWESOME). I need to get down to the crystal clear spring creeks of my my early middle age and work them over like I know how. It's kind of hard though since my main fishing buddy and I are no longer speaking to one another. I should give him a call and see if he is still mad at me.

Catch you all later. I hope to be posting with more frequency. Aren't you all lucky?