Saturday, February 16, 2008

Hello. 2008 is underway and I'm in fine spirits. It has been so long since I last updated my blog I wonder if anyone gives a rat's ass. Hard to say if anyone reads this blog but I guess it doesn't realy matter as it is just an outlet for me to chronicle the musings of The Reluctant Midwesterner.

Poker playing is going well, kind of treading water $$$'s wise but Stud Hi tables are keeping me solvent and allowing me to play Hold Em tournies (which my results are decidely mixed). I've been playing solid poker, getting my money in ahead most of the time but the poker gods allow the donkeys to outdraw me time and time again. Boo frickin Hoo ...............LOL.

Work has been going well. It boggles my mind how fast the year is going. of breath and one day closer to death. But not yet.