Friday, May 12, 2006

Certainly, it has been way too long since I've updated my blog. My father's visit has come and gone. I must say that it was rather pleasant. Not much of consequence was discussed, as I thought not much could be gained from a rehashing of the past, especially a past that was rather painful. I mean, not so much painful as incomplete. I mean, when someone was really not an active participant in your life as a child, what can you say except it was his loss. I suspect he feels that very strongly. Anyhow...........

School is out for the summer and my vacation started 2 weeks and 2 hours ago. I am playing a tiny little $1 tournament and have made the final table. I have been running terrible lately and try to limit my play to S&G's to keep my losses to minimum. 7Stud H/L is absolutely killing my bankroll. I think I play a decent game of it. Fold more than most, play only premium draws, but the off times when I try and make something happen..........LOSER!

Well, I have been thinking of my Uncle in California a bit lately. He was my hero growing up. Surfer, adventurer, ..........

NEW FLASH..............just busted out with a pocket 4's vs. J9 offsuit. Nobody respects preflop raises in a $1 tournament. Oh well.......:{

........I had recently tracked him down and corresponded with him anticipating a trip to California. Long story short, trip never happened and I've slowly slipped into this void of non communication. Same thing with my father, he has been back for over a month and I've talked to him once since his trip. I believe once you gt into the habit of not talking to someone (for any reason, but especially after a period of estrangement) it becomes real easy to just keep not calling. I'll try to get over this habit.