Been a couple of weeks since my last post. A lot has happened since then............
My father has arrainged to visit over spring break. He will be flying out from Philly and staying with us for the week. I have to say, I don't really know much about my father and he knows very little about me. Recently he has become a widower as his second wife of over 30 years passed away this past Janurary. My sister tells me that this experience has changed him dramatically, made him more open about who he is and how he feels. I don't know what that means. I guess if you haven't deduced by now, my father and I have been estranged for the better part of 37 years. He left me and my sisters and mom when I was 7. Completely and absolutely disappeared. His parents and siblings participated in this abandonment. It was an incredibly difficult thing to get over. Sometimes I don't feel completely over it. My son, who is 8 has been somewhat inquisitive as to who my father is. I can't really answer that question. Who is my father?
I guess I'll find out soon enough.