Hello and welcome to my blog. I live here in an undisclosed location in the heart of this great country we call America. I am originally from the Philadelphia area and have lived in numerous other locales all across this country. I have lived in my current location longer than anywhere else in my entire adult life. Before coming here, I lived in one of the most beautiful places on earth, Summit County Colorado. The mountains, snow, rivers, forests.........I miss them terribly at times. Living in the midwest has tempered many aspects of my persona. The pace at which my life proceeds has been slowed to a much more pleasant and mangeable level. Though through it all, a part of me longs for the mountains that were such a part of my life.
I am a family man, a chef, a fisherman, and lately a voracious poker player. These topics and more will be fodder for the ramblings of the man you now know as the "The Reluctant Midwesterner".
Thank you and welcome.
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